Conduits of
the Great Mother Retreat

June 2025

Conduits of the Great Mother is a 5-day women’s immersion to embody your subtle power and creativity.

A container to liberate yourself from limitation, uncover your authentic expression, and activate your purpose as a feminine Leader in this world.

The Return of the Feminine

This retreat is an answer to the ancient prayer woven in the stories of our ancestors & grandmothers - the return of the Sacred Feminine on this Earth. Now is the time for the re-emergence of the primordial medicine held within the bodies of women: the red thread that has been passed down to us loom to womb, carrying the voice of the Great Mother.

Do you often find yourself second guessing your intuition and questioning the validity of your knowing?

Are you comfortable taking up space and speaking your truth or do you feel afraid of being judged and rejected?

Do you feel safe around other women or do you find yourself in a cycle of silent rivalry?

Do you feel like you have to push in life, habitually overextending yourself and experiencing depletion?

Do you find it hard to ask what you need, desire and set your boundaries?

Are you animated by your vitality or do you feel disconnected from your primordial fire?

These challenges are common among us women and often the very obstacles that keep us from showing up in the world in our full potency and feminine leadership.

Our retreat holds a container for us to curiously explore our edges, the places where we contract and hold back, and walk through the fires of initiation together as we liberate our Voice and bring our sacred artistry to Life.

In this container you will experience…


This retreat is an invitation into deeper connection and intimacy with ourselves and each other. Through somatic connection, relational exercises, & group rituals we practice new ways of expressing ourselves that foster empowerment, authenticity and safe intimacy.

ART & Poetry

During our time together, we will widen the pathways of our creative expression through poetry writing, live painting & vocal activation. We will traverse explorations of painting our Soul Portrait, channelling oracularly through poetry, and using our voice to activate our channel. Our intention is to ceremonially liberate our primordial feminine fire, and acquire the tools to be clear channels for the Divine in our creativity.

You will be supported, witnessed, and celebrated as you bring your Soul’s expression to Life.


All 5 days of this retreat will be treated as a ceremonial communion with each other, the land.

Prayer & ritual will be part of our everyday flow. The ceremonies will connect us to the Earth, Cosmos, our ancestors & our female lineage. We will work with the energy of the land through prayer, baptism, movement, song, and art.

This intentional space is created so our bodies may rest back into an utmost receptive state to access oracular subtle spaces.


This is a deeply somatic container where we learn to touch the subtle nuances within our body.

Our temple practices intend to support us to soften & sensitize our female form. Each day of the retreat will include embodiment practice that may take shape as somatic movement, ritual dance, and sensual devotion. We will allow ourselves to be moved by our erotic current, deepening into a tantric communion with our body.

All parts that live within you are safe to come to light, be met, and baptized here in the loving field of our sisterhood. All of you is welcome Her. This is a reclamation of our body so we may claim our birthright as fully embodied women.

This retreat is for you if …

  • You wish to activate your art, poetry writing & movement in co-creation with other sisters

  • You wish to end cycles of victimisation & be initiated into a new level of integrity & energetic self-mastery

  • You want to embody and express who you came Here to be in unapologetic authenticity

  • You yearn to discover your abilities as a creative channel

  • You long for Truth & deeper intimacy in life and your relationships

  • You desire to reclaim your primordial feminine fire

  • You ache to be held in a warm field of sisterhood and to unfurl to deeper Trust in community

Great Mother,
I am your daughter

From you, I emerge.

Through you, my breath, my longings,
my desires, take form.

At birth, your flaming tongue licked my fur,
skin & hot breath and you claimed me -
took me in as your cub,
your daughter,
your wild one.

When I howl and grief rips my heart open, you are there in eternal Gaze.
In my deepest nectarous moment, you are there in eternal Gaze.

I find your scriptures engraved in the bones I collect.

I hear your song echoing in the lives of the women that came before me,
the Ones who weaved & were woven by you.

A red thread carried through innumerable
stories held in the Hips of these Women.

You are behind me,
in front, and by my side.

You are my past, my present, my future.

You are my blood, my pulse, my rhythm.

You are in me & I am in You.


Nestled in a beautiful woodland valley, only half an hour from Lisbon and fifteen minutes from Ericeira beach, The Shanti Space is a nourishing family-run retreat center to rest and restore well-being whilst held in the loving embrace of nature.


  • 4 nights, 5 days in the beautiful scenery of Mafra, Portugal

  • Hearty, nutritious, and delicious meals

  • Sensual movement & embodiment practices

  • Devotional Rituals, baptisms & feminine lineage work

  • Sound healing & guided meditation journeys

  • Vocal activation, poetry & painting

  • Subtle energy practices where the body can become an oracular channel

  • Spacious flow of the days including ceremony, creation & connection

  • Excursion: Water ceremony by the ocean

Meet the facilitators


Visual Artist & Poetic Devotee

Anthea’s work focuses on ceremonial creativity.

Her work focuses on guiding beings into finding deeper authenticity and fierce liberation through creativity. She guides beings to tap into their channeling abilities, and allowing one to become a vessel for the divine through unapologetic expression.

She is interested in finding the places where we hide, and where we contract, and breathing life into them through the fire of creativity.

Art is seen as an offering of Devotion for the Earth, the sacredness of life and the human collective.


Somatic Facilitator & Movement Artist

Tessa’s presence guides group fields toward greater authenticity, coherence, and harmonic resonance.

She is a fieldworker with a forte in navigating, reading, and attuning to the subtle and sensual realms of experience. During our retreat, she will guide women through embodiment, movement, and connection rituals and hold ceremonies for safe sensual exploration and deepening.

She intends to co-create a space that helps us remember the wisdom way of inhabiting the body and communing with nature, life, and our relationships in a way that honours our empathic and interconnected nature.


Wild Delicacies by Zoe

Wild Delicacies is an intuitive kitchen, inspired by the wisdom of the Earth. 

Zoe draws her creativity from the most recent researches about nutrition, as well as ancestral wisdoms such as ayurveda, macrobiotic diet, taoist diet, and herbalism. She understands food as energy, nurturing and healing the physical body to allow other dimensions to expand. She supports others to find more balance within through medicinal food alchemy. Her intention is to bring more consciousness to the food that we eat, finding humbleness in the most delicate mysteries of the Earth.


The Shanti Space offers a wide range of comfortable, clean and cozy accommodation options immersed in nature. A sanctuary where you may recharge and integrate. There are options of twin rooms with shared toilets, or large private en-suites with balconies & terraces. To discover more about these options & their pricing, email us.

Conduits of the Great Mother Retreat is an investment of 2,200€

Early Bird rate of 1,888€ is available until the 30th of Nov 2024.

This price includes the standard twin room. Depending on which type of room you choose, the price may increase slightly. Options will be sent to you upon signing up.

The deposit for the early bird spot is 650€ and for a regular spot is 750€. This will secure your place at the retreat. The final amount is due by the 14th of April 2025.

Payment plans are available upon request.

(incl.25.5% VAT)