About us

Inanis is a ceremonial performing arts collective channeling expressions and transmissions in devotion to the Great Mother.

Through performances and retreats, we invite women into ritual spaces where we meet the Holy within every moment, every movement, every breath, and action.

We hold containers for women to step into their leadership, embodiment, and creative activation in their purpose and offerings, so that they may re-emerge into the world as grounded and empowered embodiments of the Great Mother.

At present, Inanis consists of our two co-founders, Antheia & Ava Sophia.


Is Latin for the Void.

Before the word …

was the Void

Potentiated silence and luminous darkness

formless and filled with No-thing

giving Life to everything.

We receive our sustenance from This

We are This.

Through our emptiness we melt, merge, and meld

with the Divine within all

and give expression to the endless celestial love affair

felt through our senses and taking shape through

our voices, movement, and art.